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The Diocese of Cork and Ross has announced its intention to create a diocesan pastoral centre to serve the current and future needs of the local Church in Cork and Ross.
The current and future needs of the diocese and its parish faith communities rest on priests, deacons and lay people sharing responsibility for the life and mission of the Church, Bishop Fintan Gavin said.
The Cork and Ross Pastoral Centre will be used to help train volunteers for leadership and ministry in the families of parishes in the years and decades ahead.
The new Centre will bring all Diocesan functions under the one roof, including Education, Mission and Ministry, Youth Ministry, Safeguarding, Communications and administrative functions including the Bishop’s Office and the Diocesan Secretariat.

At the meeting of priests who hold an appointment in the Diocese of Cork and Ross
The question most people around the diocese ask the bishop on a visit is “Why all the changes in the Church and in our parish?”
Change was the focus of a gathering of all the priests who hold an appointment in the Diocese of Cork and Ross. Almost 80 priests came from parishes and chaplaincies from Goleen to Watergrasshill to spend time together at Rochestown Park Hotel.
The first part of the time was devoted to prayer which was led by Lorraine Buckley, Faith Development Coordinator of the Diocese and Fr James McSweeney who ministers in the family of parishes around Carrigaline.
Priests then spent considerable time reflecting on and talking in groups about the changes they have been experiencing – the welcome ones and the changes which have been challenging. This part of the day was guided by Eilis Casey, Parish Life Coordinator of the Diocese.
Feedback was received from each group of priests and a wide range of issues emerged but with a lot of common themes.
Bishop Fintan addressed the gathering and acknowledged the amount of change that has been happening in our society, in our Church, our diocese and in the life of each priest.
Bishop Fintan celebrates Station Mass during parish visit
On Saturday morning, Bishop Fintan arrived in Watergrasshill & Glenville Parish where he celebrated the ‘Doon Station’ in the home of Mossie & Breda Buckley. Mossie & Breda’s family along with a large number of their neighbours welcomed Bishop Fintan.
Bishop Fintan spoke about the great and strong tradition of having the Stations. He said that the intimacy of gathering with your family and neighbours to celebrate the Eucharist and share hospitality was an invaluable tradition which he was delighted to support and encourage.

Courtmacsherry Grotto celebrates 70 years since its opening.
One of two grottoes in Barryroe parish, it was dedicated on on 8th September 1954 with a rosary on the feast of Our Lady's nativity organised by Ms Edel Jones.
After a big effort to clean up the grotto by parishioners earlier in the year, led by Ms Teresa Egger, the rosary was prayed in front of Our Lady's image with the decades elaborated by verses of Marian hymns led by Courtmacsherry church choir.
A group of more than seventy attended the public prayer which was followed by a very interesting talk by Ms Margaret O'Dwyer on how the grotto came to be built and opened.
A number of those who had been present in 1954 also attended the recent celebration, including some of the altar boys and a member of the choir.
Permanent Deacons of Cork and Ross met in Nano Nagle Retreat Centre for their annual retreat on the weekend of Fri 30 August to Sunday the 1st of September 2024.
They were joined by their wives, Bishop Fintan Gavin and Fr Bernard Cotter. The retreat was led by Gerard Hanley who was also joined by his wife Katie and their son John.
It was a weekend full of prayer, reflection and encouragement in the beautiful Blackwater valley near Killavullen in North Cork. Frank and Rena and David and Siobhan were very grateful for the hospitality of the Presentation Sisters in the Retreat Centre and the work of Gerard and his family in providing such a memorable weekend. God continues to pour out His blessings on their ministry in the Diocese and they look forward to the future with hope.
At the retreat for Permanet Deacons and their families were From left to right:Fr Bernard Cotter, Siobhan and Deacon David Lane, Bishop Fintan, Gerard and Katie Hanley and their son John (retreat leaders), Deacon Frank and Rena McKevitt.

Gathering of Hospital Chaplains and Pastoral Care Teams in Cork & Ross
The Diocese hosted a gathering for the hospital chaplains and members of pastoral care teams who minister in our Diocese. This took place last Tuesday afternoon in the Rochestown Park Hotel.
Fr Declan Hurley, a priest from the Diocese of Meath, led the afternoon and spoke about his experience, focusing on the importance of identity and mission and how this comes back to Christ and our relationship with him.
The group then spent some time sharing their own experiences, this was followed by a time of prayer. The evening concluded with a shared meal.

Clontead parishioner appointed to new role in the diocese.
Bishop Fintan Gavin has announced the appointment of Sheila Kelleher as Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Digital Communications in the Diocese of Cork and Ross. Sheila is based at the Diocesan Offices in Redemption Road.
She is from Clontead Parish and in recent years has worked with the Chaplaincy at UCC.
Youth Ministry is about supporting the outreach of families of parishes, colleges, and schools and “wherever two or three” young people gather, to bring the message of Christ to them in new ways. Sheila will work alongside those who are already involved in programmes for young people as well as helping those who wish to take first steps in this essential part of our mission.
Skibbereen celebrates 50 years of support for vocations to priesthood
Last Sunday (September 8th) Bishop Fintan Gavin received a very warm welcome from Skibbereen parish as he celebrated the 11am Mass to commemorate 50 years of the The Vocations Society of St Joseph (previous known as the St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society) in Skibbereen.
In his homily, Bishop Fintan encouraged people to pray for vocations and to support and encourage any young man who may be considering a vocation to the priesthood.
“We give thanks for the Vocations Society of St Joseph and it’s work and witness over 50 years. We pray that we will continue the work into the future as we find new ways of encouraging and fostering vocations to the priesthood and religious life”, Bishop Fintan said.

A group of young Catholics is preparing to spent a year on campus engaging with their peers about their faith.
FOCUS Missionaries are a Catholic organisation who evangelise on campuses in America and Europe. They have successfully completed one academic year in University College Cork working in collaboration with UCC Chaplaincy.
They invite students to enter more deeply into their faith while at university. They host bible study groups, discipleship groups, retreats and prayer groups as part of their outreach to students in UCC.
As part of their training and preparation for a second year on mission in UCC, they met for two days with the Chaplaincy Team and members of the Presentation Brothers LEAF project to reflect and plan for the year ahead in Mardyke House.
As part of the ongoing mission of evangelisation in the Diocese of Cork and Ross, FOCUS play a key role in the building up of young people of faith, and those exploring their faith. Bishop Fintan spent some time with this planning process and encouraged the FOCUS team and the UCC chaplaincy team in their outreach to third level students in UCC, reminding them that they are instruments of the Gospel in a world that yearns to hear the Good News.
“As you embark on a new year in UCC, you as chaplains and missionaries are invited, like Peter and his companions in today’s Gospel, to put out into deep water; to bring hope and know that the Lord has a plan and a purpose for each of you and the students you encounter,” Bishop Fintan said.

The Care of Creation group in Kinsale are hosting an Environment Day as part of the Season of Creation celebrations
Bishop Fintan Gavin will be speaking at the opening of the day
Saturday 7 September
10:30am to 4:00pm
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