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This talk was delivered at CONNECT 4 - an event organised by the Diocese of Cork and Ross at UCC in February 2024
It was attended by over 200 young people of faith.
During his talk, Msgr Shea addresses a wide range of topics that impact on young people in today’s world. He also encourages us to be active in our faith and, in so doing, discover new levels of happiness and fulfilment.
Msgr. Shea is President of the University of Mary, North Dakota, USA, and was invited to Cork by Bishop Fintan Gavin.
At CONNECT 4 in Cork - a faith centred event for young adults. Attendees pictured outside the Honan Chapel, UCC
Over 200 hundred young Catholics spending a day listening to a monsignor and a bishop is a rare event these days!
But this is what happened on Sunday in the grounds of University College Cork when a prominent American priest addressed the topic ‘What does it mean to be Catholic today?’
Msgr. James Shea is president of the University of Mary, North Dakota, USA, and was the guest speaker at CONNECT 4 in Cork on Sunday last.
“Young people who are searching believe they are alone and nobody is listening, so we feel we might as well suffer in silence,” Msgr Shea said. “But that’s not what God wants.”
This was the fourth in a series of meetings of young people which were initiated by Bishop Fintan Gavin, Bishop of Cork and Ross, to help young Catholics connect with one another in a sociable and reflective atmosphere.
Listen to Wendy Grace (Spirit Radio) speaking with Bishop Fintan Gavin about CONNECT 4
Bishop Fintan Gavin speaks to Wendy about the Connect 4 event for young people of faith, taking place in Cork on Sunday 18th February, with a message from guest speaker Msgr James Shea.
Bishop Fintan Gavin made a pastoral visit to University College Cork on Ash Wednesday
He presided at the three Ash Wednesday Masses in the Honan Chapel, and in his homilies, he encouraged those to make a commitment to fast, pray and give alms this Lent to enter into a fuller relationship with Christ.
Throughout his day long visit to the university, Bishop Fintan met with staff and students, senior officials, the Chaplaincy team and the UCC Focus team.
Miriam Goulding interviews Bishop Fintan Gavin about CONNECT 4
Young Catholics are seeking a way to connect with one another so that enrich their faith and support one another.
This is why the Diocese of Cork and Ross has organised the fourth such event in a few years, according to Bishop Fintan Gavin.
The event at UCC on Feb 18th will be addressed by a prominent Catholic priest from the USA who is experienced in ministering to young people.
Msgr James Shea is President of a Catholic University in North Dakota.
See Mission & Identity - University of St. Mary
Here Miriam Goulding, who works at the Chaplaincy in UCC, asks Bishop Fintan about the event.
BIshop Alan McGuckian with Fr. Ronan Sheehan and Fr. Robert Young.
Irish representative at Vatican synod addresses local priests
The recent day of recollection organised for priests of the Diocese of Cork and Ross was addressed by one of the two bishops who attended last October’s synod in Rome.
Bishop Alan McGuckian SJ, Bishop of Raphoe, travelled to Clonakilty to address a meeting of the local priests. During his presentation he shared his experience of being at the Synod on synodality which was also attended by Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick the other Irish delegate.
He emphasised that growing synodality in the Cathoilic Church is not easy. It demands a commitment to prayerful discernment, patient listening and honest exchange of what people feel the Holy Spirit is calling us to be.
Bishop McGuckian has recently been appointed by Pope Francis as the new Bishop of Down and Connor.
Guest speaker Monsignor James Shea sends another video message
Monsignor James Shea invites young people (aged 18-35) to attend Connect 4 in UCC on Sunday February 18th 2024 from 9:45am to 4pm. Connect 4 will be a wonderful day full of inspiring talks, conversations, and discussions. Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are part of the day, and there will also be an opportunity for confession.
Devere Hall UCC
Sunday 18 Feb 2024
9:45am to 4:00pm
Watch Msgr James Shea's Video Message
Tickets are €10 and can be booked here:
On February 1st, the Feast of St. Brigid and the vigil of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, over 100 religious women and men from communities throughout the Diocese of Cork and Ross joined with Bishop Fintan to celebrate Evening Prayer in the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Ann to mark the World Day for Consecrated Life
Other religious communities and people from all over the Diocese also participated via the Cathedral livestream. The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is set aside in the Church as a special day to pray for women and men in consecrated life. Pope Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day for Consecrated Life in 1997.
Br. Denis Ahern OFM introduced Evening Prayer and acknowledged the appropriateness of gathering on the 1,500th anniversary of the death of St. Brigid. Br. Denis also mentioned the long and rich history of Consecrated Life in Cork and Ross.
The music and singing was provided by students from Presentation Secondary School Ballyphehane, led by Olivia Forde (Choir Conductor), Tom Doyle (Organist), Anne Dunphy (Organiser of Music), and Kerri Mullins (Teacher).
Sr. Celestina FMM read from chapter 4 of Luke’s Gospel which was a timely reminder that every baptised person is called to share the Good News with those whom they meet.
The ceremony included a blessing and sprinkling of holy water, during which Bishop Fintan spoke of the deep connection between baptism and vocation. The Diocesan prayer for Consecrated Life was prayed together.
Sr. Linda Ndidiamaka Ugwu MMM, Br. Theiva Sebastiyam Pillai FPM and Br. Anthony Sahayam Pillai FPM led the prayers of intercession.
Bishop Fintan emphasised the importance of Consecrated Life in our Diocese. He thanked Religious for their witness to the joy of the Gospel, and their service, and encouraged them to continue to pray for the renewal of the Church throughout the world and particularly in our Diocese.
Parishioners and priests from across the diocese are attending presentations on how to sustain financially the mission of the diocese in the coming years
The first meeting was attended by parish finance committees and priests from parishes in west Cork and was held at Clonakilty. Topics included various ways in which parishes can reach out to parishioners for support, ranging from the traditional basket collections at Mass to standing orders and contactless donations.
The diocese also presented an overview of the recently audited 2022 accounts for the Cork and Ross Curia Trust (which funds the day-to-day running of the diocesan offices and activities), along with an overview of the accounts of the Cork and Ross Parishes Trust (which is a consolidation of the accounts of the 68 parishes of the diocese).
The meetings are being held in three other venues across the diocese in the coming days and weeks.
The Curia accounts can be viewed here:

During Catholic Schools Week Bishop Fintan Gavin made a Pastoral Visit to Coláiste Éamann Rís Cork
The bishop was warmly welcomed on arrival by School Principal Mr Aaron Wolfe and Deputy Principal Ms. Edel Farrell, members of the Student Council, ERST Schools Trust representatives, Teaching Staff representatives and members of the Board of Management. Some retired members of staff were also present for the occasion.
The assembly gathered for a Prayer Liturgy with Bishop Fintan in the school hall where Archdeacon Kerry Murphy-O’Connor PE and Fr. Kevin O’Regan Co-PP also participated. The Liturgy was prepared by Ms. Anne Marie Nolan & Ms. Ann Leahy RE Teachers.
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