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A group of young Catholics is preparing to spent a year on campus engaging with their peers about their faith.
FOCUS Missionaries are a Catholic organisation who evangelise on campuses in America and Europe. They have successfully completed one academic year in University College Cork working in collaboration with UCC Chaplaincy.
They invite students to enter more deeply into their faith while at university. They host bible study groups, discipleship groups, retreats and prayer groups as part of their outreach to students in UCC.
As part of their training and preparation for a second year on mission in UCC, they met for two days with the Chaplaincy Team and members of the Presentation Brothers LEAF project to reflect and plan for the year ahead in Mardyke House.
As part of the ongoing mission of evangelisation in the Diocese of Cork and Ross, FOCUS play a key role in the building up of young people of faith, and those exploring their faith. Bishop Fintan spent some time with this planning process and encouraged the FOCUS team and the UCC chaplaincy team in their outreach to third level students in UCC, reminding them that they are instruments of the Gospel in a world that yearns to hear the Good News.
“As you embark on a new year in UCC, you as chaplains and missionaries are invited, like Peter and his companions in today’s Gospel, to put out into deep water; to bring hope and know that the Lord has a plan and a purpose for each of you and the students you encounter,” Bishop Fintan said.
The Care of Creation group in Kinsale are hosting an Environment Day as part of the Season of Creation celebrations
Bishop Fintan Gavin will be speaking at the opening of the day
Saturday 7 September
10:30am to 4:00pm
Before being a disciple of Jesus in today’s world, young people need to come to know Jesus, bishop says..
This was the key message of Bishop Fintan Gavin who spoke to over 900 young people who were making a retreat last weekend.
The young people were taking part in a gathering organised by Youth 2000 and which was held at Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co Kildare.
Bishop Fintan spoke of his own faith journey and how central it is to have an encounter with the living Jesus.
“How do we do this?, the bishop asked in his homily. “We have to trust and to build a relationship with Jesus in the same way as we do any other relationship.”
“Once we open our hearts to encounter Jesus then our faith and what Jesus has to offer is no longer seen as a burden or obligation but rather the greatest gift that our God offers us.”
We invite you to explore Alpha
on Wednesday evenings
All are welcome regardless of age, so do come along for the first evening and see what you think!
Numbers are limited so please reserve your place..
Starting Date:
Wednesday 18 September 2024
A woman who grew up in our diocese has become the most recently professed religious sister in Ireland.
Sr. Máire Bríd O’Driscoll made her Solemn Profession as a Redemptoristine nun in the company of her community, family and friends at a monastery in Drumcondra, Dublin.
Sr. Máire Brid is a daughter of Pat and Ina O’Driscoll, Gortaleen, Enniskeane, and attended Coppeen National School and Mary Immaculate College, Dunmanway, before training as a primary teacher.
After a few years teaching she explored whether she had a religious vocation and was drawn to the contemplative life of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer (Redemptoristines) with whom she began a period of exploration and then formation as a Sister.
Concelebrated Mass was celebrated at the monastery on Saturday during which she made her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience before the Prioress of the community Sr. Gabrielle.
Her parents, extended family, relations and friends travelled from Cork and her brother Seamus travelled from New York and all the visitors were treated to hospitality by the Sisters after the special Mass.
The annual Mass and devotions at the Holy Rosary Shrine at the Lee Road, Cork, saw people travel from across the city and suburbs and beyond
The Mass is held on the feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady and Bishop Fintan Gavin was the principal celebrant. He was joined by priests from the local family of parishes and beyond. In his homily at the Mass, Bishop Fintan said that Mary’s assumption points to what we believe God will do for us.
“We believe that our whole person, body and soul, will be raised to a new existence which will be a sharing in the Lord’s own risen life."
“In the words of this evening’s second reading, ‘all will be brought to life in Christ’. Mary’s assumption proclaims our own ultimate destiny as believers, as well as God’s desire for all humanity.”
As we travel on our earthly pilgrimage, the bishop said, we can look to Mary as the image of our ultimate perfection as members of the church, and, so, she is a sign of hope and comfort to us on our pilgrim way.
“There is a very close association between the ultimate destiny of Mary, which we celebrate today, and the ultimate destiny of the church, of each and every one of us, Bishop Fintan said.
Photos by Tony O’Connell
A congregation of 800 to 1,000 people came to the Church of the Holy Spirit, Dennehy's Cross, Cork on Sunday last for the annual St Pio Healing Mass.
Bishop Fintan was the Chief Celebrant of the concelebrated Mass which was celebrated to mark the anniversary of Padre Pio's ordination as a Capuchin priest.
In his homily, he said that St Pio was no stranger to suffering and hardship.
“In his life we also have a key as to how as followers of Christ we can transform this suffering.
During his canonization homily, St. John Paul II points to the heart of St. Pio’s witness to the universal Church—the transformation of difficulties, sorrows and suffering into opportunities for holiness.”
This makes sense, Bishop Fintan said, because Padre Pio’s stigmata illustrate this point in a literal way.
“He actually bore Jesus’ wounds on his body.”
During the days when many young people are awaiting results and offers which will shape the coming years of their lives, the Catholic Church in Cork’s city centre is making a different kind of offer.
The Cork Cathedral Family of parishes is establishing a live-in community in Saints Peter and Paul’s Parish for young adults of faith who are aged between 18 and 30 years.
The community will run for nine months (September to June) with the option of a further three months for each community member. The young adults who qualify will be provided with accommodation at Ss. Peter and Paul’s Parish in Cork’s city centre.
In a brochure inviting applications, the parishes say that being a young person of faith can be difficult today.
“It is important that we do not journey alone and that we support, encourage and inspire one another. Remember that the Lord did not send the disciples out alone but in pairs.”
As well as attending to their student or working life commitments the community members will be involved in activities such as prayer, socials, formation, pilgrimages, volunteering in the Cork Cathedral Family of Parishes, and more.
There will be a weekly community meal, prayer, some formation input and much more.
Community members will be asked to contribute €150 per week plus a share of utility bills.
Cork people, along with people from near and far, are especially indebted to a community of religious women for their prayer and witness, according to Bishop Fintan Gavin.
Celebrating Mass at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork, Bishop Fintan described the monastery as a “powerhouse of prayer for our city and for our diocese”.
The monastery chapel was overflowing as people came to celebate the life of the thirteenth century Italian woman whose rule the Sisters follow.
Clare was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis of Assisi to leave her home against the wishes of ther family and found a community of contemplative women.
Are you considering the Poor Clare vocation or would you like to know more about the enclosed contemplative life of a religious sister?
You are invited to join the Sisters for a:
Vocations Afternoon
Saturday 21 September 2024
2:00pm to 4:00pm
at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork
Latest News
September 2024
August 2024
- Kinsale Environment Day - 7 Sep 2024
- Before being a disciple of Jesus in today’s world, young people need to come to know Jesus, bishop says..
- Your Invite to Alpha in Clonakilty - 18 Sep 2024
- Enniskeane's Sr. Máire Bríd has become the most recently professed religious sister in Ireland
- Large congregation for Lee Road Shrine devotions and Mass
- The annual Padre Pio Healing Mass was celebrated at Ballineaspaig Parish, Cork
- Cork’s Catholic parishes seek to create a new community experience for young adults
- St. Clare is a 'saint for our times'
- Poor Clares Vocations Afternoon - Sat 21 Sep 2024
July 2024
June 2024
- Fifth anniversary of Bishop Fintan's ordination as bishop
- Scoil an Athar Tadhg Carrignavar is Blessed and Officially Opened by Bishop Fintan
- Scoil Náisiúnta an Chroí Naofa in Glounthaune welcomes Bishop Fintan
- Bishop Fintan addresses first Intentional Youth Ministry event in Ireland
- Bishop John Buckley and several of the priests of the diocese are marking milestones in their ministry this year.
- Timoleague parishioner prepares for ordination as permanent deacon
- Over 120 young people gather for Summer CONNECT BBQ
- Presentation family celebrates new brother’s First Profession