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Teacher Aoife O'Driscoll speaking at the Confirmations workshop.
With just weeks to go to the first Confirmation ceremony in the diocese this year, teachers and priests from across the diocese met to discuss and plan for the special days
Addressing the meeting at Innishannon, Bishop Fintan thanked all present for their part in suppporting the faith of the children in the schools. The workshop was to explain and expand on the innovations which were introduced for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation throughout the Diocese last year.
Ballineaspaig Parish in Cork and Timoleague Parish will both host the first Confirmation ceremonies on Tuesday February 11th. The ceremonies continue until Friday April 4th.
See the full schedule and list of resources here
Are you considering the Poor Clare vocation or would you like to know more about the enclosed contemplative life of a religious sister?
You are invited to join the Sisters for a:
Vocations Afternoon
Saturday 22 February 2025
2:00pm to 4:00pm
at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork

The Diocesan Office has announced that the death has taken place of Mr Conor Gavin, brother of Bishop Fintan Gavin.
Conor lived in Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath and was late of Brian Road, Marino, Dublin 3. He died peacefully, at St. Francis’ Hospice, Blanchardstown, today.
Along with Bishop Fintan, Conor is sadly missed by his wife Nuala and their children and grandchildren, his parents, brothers and sisters and the extended Gavin family.
Conor’s funeral arrangements are available on
May he rest in the peace of the Lord.

Cork's two bishops issue joint Christmas message. Bishop Paul Colton and Bishop Fintan Gavin remind us to focus on the Light of Christ at Christmas time
Once again, as Christmas approaches, it gives us joy as bishops of Cork to send you our greetings and to wish you and your loved ones a blessed, peaceful and happy Christmas.
We live in times when so much around us and in the world at large is overwhelming, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As well as the enduring challenges that face us in our own society and communities, there are wars in many parts of the world, especially on our own continent and in the Middle East, but also conflicts in many places that seem to have been forgotten by most, with the humanitarian catastrophe that strife invariably causes. What can we do? Often we feel helpless and powerless to make a difference.
In this part of the world, Christmas comes at the darkest time of the year. Each flickering candle and each Christmas light, speaks powerfully, therefore, to us of the message in the Christmas Gospel written by Saint John about Jesus Christ the light of the world: ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’
Christmas invites us every year to be attracted again and again to that light; in the same way that the shepherds in the fields that first Christmas were drawn to the light and song of the angels; as the wise ones were drawn to follow the light of the star until they came to Jesus, the newborn baby in Bethlehem. Like those shepherds and those wise leaders we too are invited to bring ourselves as gifts and to offer what we can in prayer and in service, to God, to each other and to those most in need around us and further afield.
So, what can we do in the face of so many challenges? Most of us are not in a position to make decisions that change things on a national or international stage. However, in small ways, where we each are, we can all do something to make life better for others around us. As small gestures or practical acts by many individuals mount up and gather momentum, they can make a real difference to others. As Christians too we believe in the power of prayer, and so we can pray for those who do have authority and roles of decision-making on a scale greater than most of us do.
Our prayer for you is that this Christmas you will once more draw strength from the birth of Jesus who is Emmanuel; God with us.
+Fintan Gavin
Bishop of Cork and Ross
+Paul Colton
Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross
Children attending Catholic primary schools in the Diocese of Cork and Ross have been watching a video Christmas message from Bishop Fintan
The message was set in Kinsale harbour and in schools in Skibbereen.
In Kinsale, Bishop Fintan was speaking from a boat and was accompanied by a local family.
In Skibbereen, children from the boys and girls schools formed a chorus to sing Christmas carols with the bishop and discussed the importance of the birth of Jesus with him.
The video message was relayed to all schools and to each of the classrooms so that every child could see it.
Glanmire Community College was the location for a recent visit by Bishop Fintan Gavin.
Bishop Fintan was warmly welcomed by Principal Ronan McCarthy, members of the 4th Year Meitheal Team, Chaplain Ms. Marie McInerney and Deputy Principals Ms. Caroline Byrne & Mr. Seamus Kenefick and members of the Student Council.
Bishop Fintan was given a tour of the school facilities, which included a visit to the ASD Unit, where he was introduced to the school therapy dog Alma and observed the positive impact Alma has brought to school life. He also witnessed the impressive dog-handling skills demonstrated by the students. The tour continued with visits to specialist classrooms, the Sacred Space and the Christmas Crib.
Bishop Fintan then joined students, staff and invited guests, including Fr. Pat Fogarty, Co-PP of Glanmire, for a prayer liturgy.

Bishopstown school celebrates installation of new Christmas crib
Bishop Fintan recently joined students, staff, Presentation Brothers, Board of Management, P.B.S.T. and friends in Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh, Bishopstown, Cork, to bless the beautiful new crib figures, which had been ordered from Rome to mark the 60th anniversary of the school.
Bishop Fintan reminded those present of the origins of the Crib, which was introduced by St. Francis of Assisi as a way of bringing the Christmas message to the people at that time.
Principal Ms. Brenda Moriarty welcomed Bishop Fintan and the other guests to the school, noting that the new crib figures were a magnificent addition to the school’s Catholic tradition and living faith. Senior students read the scripture readings and read prayers of intercession.

On Thursday December 5th Bishop Fintan Gavin made a Pastoral Visit to Maria Immaculata Community College (MICC) Dunmanway. He was welcomed by Principal Mr. Niall Collins, Deputy Principal Fiona Nic Chárthaigh, School Chaplain Elaine O’Sullivan, Student Council members Ciara Galvin and John Smith and school staff. Local clergy, Fr. Liam Crowley and Fr. Pat O’Donovan, were also present to welcome the Bishop to the school.
Following the Principal’s welcome address to the school assembly, Bishop Fintan celebrated a thoughtfully prepared Prayer Liturgy with staff and students titled “Counting our blessings as we journey through Advent”. The ceremony was beautifully enhanced by the school choir with musical accompaniment from both students and staff.
Bishop Fintan’s message to students was based on the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis, the Italian teenager who will become the first Millennial Saint when he is Canonised by Pope Francis in Rome next April. The Bishop spoke about his visit to the tomb of Blessed Carlo last summer and how Carlo was a typical teenager in so many ways yet he was extraordinary when it came to his remarkable faith. Carlo had a short life and died of leukaemia aged just 15 years in October 2006.
Bishop Fintan receives a gift from Co-chairs of Student Council Ciara Galvin and John Smith

Primary school teachers in the Diocese attend a Day of Reflection
Recently Bishop Fintan invited primary school teachers throughout the Diocese to a Day of Reflection to support and nourish their own personal faith lives. In response, teachers gathered on Saturday 30th November in Mardyke House, Cork.
The day was led by Fr Chris O’Donnell, a priest of Limerick Diocese, who is a former primary school teacher. He worked for many years in youth ministry and participated in the final stages of the development of the Grow in Love Programme. The peaceful and prayerful surroundings of Mardyke House contributed to a wonderful day for all involved.
The death has of occurred of Fr. Seamus Mac Ginneá (McKenna) in his native Kerry.
Fr Seamus was ordained for ministry in the Diocese of Kerry.
He has also served for many years on the staff of the Cork Regional Marriage Tribunal and also regularly celebrated Mass at the Poor Clares Convent in College Road, Cork.
The funeral arrangements for the late Fr Seamus McKenna are available
May he now rest in the peace of the Lord.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh sé.
The late Fr Seamus McKenna
Latest News
March 2025
February 2025
January 2025
- Over 50 young adults partake in two faith formation programmes
- Boys' post-primary school in Cork welcomes bishop for his first visit
- Bicentenary celebrations of Bon Secours Sisters in Ireland close in Cork
- Bishop Fintan visits Coláiste Muire in Crosshaven for Catholic Schools Week
- Resource published for Catholic Schools Week 2025 in Cork and Ross
- Teachers and priests meet to plan Confirmation Masses
- Poor Clares Vocations Afternoon - Sat 22 Feb 2025
December 2024
- Death of Conor Gavin RIP
- Cork's two bishops issue joint Christmas message
- Bishop’s Message for Christmas seen in primary schools across the diocese
- Glanmire Community College was the location for a recent visit by Bishop Fintan Gavin.
- Bishopstown school celebrates installation of new Christmas crib
- Dunmanway post-primary school hosts visit by bishop
- Primary school teachers in the Diocese attend a Day of Reflection
- Death of Fr. Seamus Mac Ginneá