Bidding prayers, Fourth Sunday of Easter (21 April 2024)

Introduction (by the Presider) Confident that the Lord’s love for us has no end, we bring forward our needs and the needs of the whole world.

  1. That church leaders may follow the example of Christ, the good shepherd (short pause, then..) Lord, hear us.
  2. That all members of the Church may love each other with tenderness (short pause, then..) Lord, hear us.
  3. That young people may consider serving God’s people (short pause, then..) Lord, hear us.
  4. That members of the caring professions may always protect human life (short pause, then..) Lord, hear us.
  5. That those who work on the land may show respect for all God’s creation (short pause, then..) Lord, hear us.
  6. That there may be peace in Sudan, Ukraine, The Holy Land and all places of conflict (short pause, then..) Lord, hear us.
  7. For people who suffer, that they may experience God’s healing power (short pause, then..) Lord, hear us.

The Presider prays for the dead: For all who have gone before us in faith (especially N & N), that they may see God, face to face. (pause for silent prayer..) Lord, hear us.

Conclusion (by the Presider) God of beauty and compassion, you love us as a shepherd loves all the flock: continue to support your people with your grace, we pray, through Christ our Lord. Amen.