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Bishop Fintan Gavin recently made a Pastoral Visit to Edmund Rice College, Carrigaline
He was warmly welcomed by Principal Ms. Adele Flynn, Deputy Principal Mr. Peter Hyde, members of the Student Council & Meitheal Team and members of staff. Local clergy were also present to greet the Bishop, including Msgr. Aidan O’Driscoll, Fr. James McSweeney & Fr. Michael O’Connell MSC. Mr. Willie Walsh represented the Board of Management of the College.
During his visit, Bishop Fintan was guided on a tour of the school's facilities by the Meitheal Team, where he had the opportunity to meet with several class groups and their teachers.
Bishop Fintan received a very warm welcome when he arrived at Scoil Bernadette on a recent Pastoral Visit
The school, located on the Cope Foundation campus in Montenotte, Cork, provides a supportive learning environment for students aged 12 to 18, and the visit was a special occasion for the entire school community. On his arrival, Bishop Fintan was welcomed by the school’s principal, Mr. Don Golden, along with members of the student council, staff, and parents.
Bishop Fintan was invited to share in a Prayer Liturgy where the students shone. The liturgy was accompanied by instrumental music with song and sign language, guided by music teacher Marita Murray. Following Bishop Fintan’s final blessing for the whole school community joined together in singing ‘This Little Light of Mine’.
Students then engaged with Bishop Fintan in a Q&A session in which they asked him about his role and his daily life. When asked by a student, Bishop Fintan was quick to say that like everyone else he will have to wait and see what Santa will bring this Christmas.

Brazilian Community in Cork celebrates as 14 members are Confirmed at the Cathedral
On Sunday, December 1st, the first Sunday of Advent, a significant and joyful occasion unfolded at the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne in Cork when 14 members of the Brazilian Community received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The Brazilian community, known for its vibrant and joyful spirit, has been an integral part of the life of the Diocese in Cork and Ross. The Cathedral Choir, led by John Casey, welcomed members of the Brazilian Community Choir who sang in Portuguese and English, adding to the joy of the occasion.
The ceremony, celebrated by Bishop Fintan Gavin, marked a pivotal moment in the faith journeys of these young adults who have been undergoing significant preparation for this sacrament for several months. The candidates affirmed their commitment to their faith and received the gifts of the Holy Spirit to guide them in their lives.
In his homily, Bishop Fintan Gavin reflected on the significance of the Advent season as a time of waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ. He encouraged the congregation to reflect on their own faith, especially as they witnessed the candidates take this important step in their faith journeys. “Where am I with my faith as an adult?” he asked, inviting all present to take some time in the busy days and weeks ahead to slow down, to pray and reflect on this question.
Bishop Fintan also thanked Fr. Bernard Morawski OFM Cap, the chaplain to the Brazilian community. He commended Fr. Bernard for his commitment to the community, especially noting his effort to learn Portuguese in order to better preach the Gospel.

Over 200 parish reps. expected at final diocesan information meeting on Sunday
This Sunday December 1st, priests, parish leadership teams and chaplaincies from 28 parishes will gather for the third information meeting. The topic is the next steps in the diocese's year of prayer, listening and discernment
The short video captures the energy and life of the first two meetings.
These meetings set the context for the year ahead and outline the next steps for parishes and families of parishes. The process for prayer, listening, and discernment has been piloted in one Family of Parishes and is being fine-tuned based on the feedback to be rolled out across the Diocese in the new year.
There will be a special time of guided prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in St. Columba’s Church, Douglas on Sunday 1st December from 12:30pm to 2:00pm to which everyone is welcome.Bishop Fintan has announced that the Polish Chaplaincy in the Diocese will transfer from its current location in St Augustine’s Church, Washington Street, Cork to Holy Cross Church, Mahon in the Family of Parishes of Ballinlough, Blackrock, Blackrock Road and Mahon from 1 February 2025
Following the establishment of the Polish Chaplaincy in Cork and Ross, Fr Piotr Galus served as Chaplain from 2006 until 2019. During that time the Chaplaincy has served the sacramental and pastoral needs of many Polish people and families who have arrived in the Diocese to work and make their homes here. The Chaplaincy has evolved in more recent years as a good number of Polish people have returned home while others have become involved in their own parishes here, Families of Parishes and faith communities.

The Bishop's Office has announced that the death occurred on Saturday last of Fr Des Campion at The Bon Secours Hospital Cork
Bishop Fintan Gavin has extended his sympathy and prayerful support to all of Fr Des’s family, Salesian Confreres, Naval colleagues and friends at this time.
Fr Des has been ministering as Chaplain Naval Services and Port Chaplain, Haulbowline, Cork since 1988.
Fr Des, a native of Drimnagh, Dublin 12 , was ordained on December 7th 1973 to the Salesians of Don Bosco Ireland at the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mourne Road, Drimnagh. After ordination he served in many teaching, chaplaincy and pastoral roles in various Salesian Houses including Crumlin - Dublin, Ballinakill - Laois and Pallaskenry and Milford in Limerick.
In 1985 Fr Des took up appointment as Chaplain to Sarsfield Army Barracks in Henry Street, Limerick. In 1988 Fr Des was appointed Chaplain to the Naval Base at Haulbowline, Cork where he served until his death.
May he now rest in the peace of the Lord.
Holy Well National School, Carrigaline, welcomes Bishop Fintan
Bishop Fintan was warmly welcomed at Holy Well National School middle and senior school buildings by Principal Mr Aidan Crowley, BOM Chairperson, Mr. Diarmaid Cogan, priests from Carrigaline Parish, staff members as well as parent and pupil representatives. He met with pupils in both buildings and shared in a liturgy at both assemblies during which pupils sang and joined him in prayer. Following Bishop Fintan’s lead, all pupils learned and joined with him in saying a meaningful prayer with actions.
Pupils engaged in a Q&A session with Bishop Fintan in which they gained an insight into both his life and ministry as Bishop of Cork & Ross. Bishop Fintan thanked the pupils for their kind welcome and rewarded them with a homework pass which was well received.

Recently appointed primary school principals meet for diocesan event
Twenty recently appointed principals of primary schools throughout the Diocese of Cork and Ross gathered in Cork International Hotel to meet as a group with Bishop Fintan as school patron.
Bishop Fintan assured the gathering of his support for them in their leadership and management role through the Diocesan Education Secretariat as well as in their role as faith leaders via the Diocesan Co-ordinator of Faith Formation in primary schools. Bishop Fintan acknowledged that while school principals, staff members and Boards of Management face many challenges in a changing faith landscape in families, the Catholic ethos of schools centred on the Person of Jesus is even more needed than ever.
Ms. Susan O’Hanrahan, Diocesan Co-ordinator for Faith Formation in Primary Schools, outlined initiatives to support the faith formation of children as well as nourishing the faith lives of staff members including an upcoming Day of Reflection for teachers on Saturday 30th November in Mardyke House, the roll-out of a pilot programme for the introduction of Christian meditation in primary schools, the development of a pilot retreat for Confirmation candidates with NET Ministries, Bishop Fintan’s on-going pastoral visits to schools and her own on-going school visits to support teachers with the Grow In Love Programme.

CONNECT 5 - Sun 17 Nov 2024
Diocese of Cork and Ross announces CONNECT 5 event for Young Adults
CONNECT 5, an event for young adults aged between 18 and 35 years, will take place in UCC on Sunday November 17th 2024 from 9.30am to 4pm.
Previous CONNECT events have been very successful in bringing young adults together to celebrate their faith and to find support and nourishment for their faith journey today. It also reaches out to those who are searching and not sure.
We are very excited to announce that our guest speakers for CONNECT 5 are Fr Columba Jordan CFR and Katie Ascough, who are both from Ireland. They both work for the Catholic online platform Called to More
Katie Ascough is the founder of this platform and Fr. Columba Jordan, a Friar with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, is the host. This platform is very popular and has a huge following among young people online. They will be joining us on the day to speak on this year’s Connect theme which is “In a troubled world, Dare to Hope”.
As well as presentations and sharing the day will include Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity for Confession. There is a registration fee of €10, which includes lunch on the day.
Bishop congratulates Ballincollig on its TidyTowns win
Bishop Fintan Gavin, Bishop of Cork and Ross, has joined with local priests in congratulating Ballincollig on its historic first in the Supervalu TidyTowns Awards.
Ballincollig has been named Ireland’s Tidiest Town and overall winner of Ireland’s Tidiest Large Urban Centre.
Bishop Gavin joins with Fr. Alan O’Leary, Co-PP, Ballincollig, and Moderator of the Family of Parishes which includes Ballincollig, Ballinora and Ovens, and the other priests in sending best wishes to Tom Butler, Chairman of Ballincollig TidyTowns Committee and the many volunteers who have reaped the rewards of consistent dedication and community spirit.
“This only comes about,” Bishop Fintan said, “because so many people have put their community and their place first. I congratulate everyone involved in putting Ballincollig deservedly on the list of towns with pride in their places”.
Latest News
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December 2024
- Death of Conor Gavin RIP
- Cork's two bishops issue joint Christmas message
- Bishop’s Message for Christmas seen in primary schools across the diocese
- Glanmire Community College was the location for a recent visit by Bishop Fintan Gavin.
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- Dunmanway post-primary school hosts visit by bishop
- Primary school teachers in the Diocese attend a Day of Reflection
- Death of Fr. Seamus Mac Ginneá