During the week of February 3rd to 7th a number of primary schools in the diocese took part in a pilot retreat programme for pupils preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The retreats were offered by a team of youth missionaries from NET Ministries Ireland. NET Ministries is a testimonial-based ministry with a focus on how Jesus is relevant, present, and loves us individually. The retreat schedule included games, talks, testimonies, small groups activities and prayer ministry.
The retreats were very well received by each of the participating schools and feedback indicated that pupils had a wonderful experience. The youth missionaries were enthusiastic and connected with the children with ease. They engaged at the appropriate age level and pupils responded accordingly.
The team availed of a range of strategies throughout each day. The programme balanced both active learning and listening and related to the children’s own lives. The retreat focused on the faith formation of the children which was central to and well-paced throughout each day.
Schools reported that this was a day to focus on the true meaning of Confirmation and expressed their thanks to the team and to Bishop Fintan for having being afforded this opportunity.
The NET Team at Togher BNS with Fr. John Walsh Co-PP
St. Joseph's Girls National School, Clonakilty, hosted a Confirmation retreat.
Confirmation candidates of Togher BNS in Cork
The pupils of St. Joseph's GNS, Clonakilty, enjoying the retreat.