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The First Year Students of Gaelcholáiste Mhuire AG enjoyed a wonderful Mass with Bishop Gavin recently.
As part of their preparations for Catholic Schools Week, the students attended the daily celebration of Mass in the North Cathedral.
This is the second year of this event and it offers a wonderful opportunity to join with the regular congregation in their daily worship.
It strengthens the ties between the school and the local community, and also continues a long-standing relationship between the AG and the Diocese - we hope that this new tradition continues for many years to come.
Guest speaker Monsignor James Shea sends this video message
We look forward to welcoming Msgr Shea to CONNECT 4 a faith gathering for young adults aged 18 to 35
Devere Hall UCC
Sunday 18 Feb 2024
9:45am to 4:00pm
Watch the Video
In response to a call from young adults to be better formed in their Catholic Faith, UCC Chaplaincy, the Presentation Brothers, and the Diocese of Cork and Ross have come together to host the ‘Sycamore’ Series
The Sycamore Series is an informal course for those aged 18-35, helping people to deepen their understanding and knowledge of the Catholic faith.
Each session involves a short film and time for discussion with a meal also included.
Everyone is welcome.
Start date:
Wednesday 31 January 2024
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Presentation Brothers' Mardyke House, Cork T12 W8RP
The course runs for 10 consecutive weeks with a break for Easter.
It is free, but places are limited.

Please telephone 021 490 2459 or Complete this Form
Devere Hall UCC
Sunday 18 Feb 2024
9:45am to 4:00pm
Our fourth CONNECT event for young people aged between 18 and 35 years will take place in UCC on Sunday February 18th 2024 from 9:45am to 4:00pm.
Previous CONNECT events have been very successful in bringing young adults together to celebrate their faith and to find support and nourishment for their faith journey today.
Our guest speaker on February 18th is Monsignor James Shea from the United States. Monsignor Shea is a very well-known and much sought after speaker in the United States and is the President of the University of Mary, Bismarck, North Dakota.
At a recent gathering of twenty thousand young people at the SEEK24 Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri, Monsignor Shea received standing ovations from the young adults present for his inputs. He is a dynamic presenter, very tuned in to the challenge of faith in contemporary culture. He is also very aware of the challenges we face as Church in Ireland today. We are therefore very excited to have him speak at CONNECT 4.
As well as talks and discussion the day will include Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity for Confession. Lunch will also be provided.
There is a nominal booking fee of €10

Primary school teachers from schools in our diocese are attending workshops dealing with the celebration of Confirmation.
The three gatherings organised by the diocese are taking place this week in Bantry, Ballincollig and Rochestown.
Bishop Fintan Gavin said that the meetings follow discussions in the diocese with a focus group set up to review how the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated.
The workshops intend to guide and support priests, principals and Confirmation class teachers who together organise the liturgies across the diocese.
The programme of ceremonies begins on February 20th and concludes on May 3rd.
See more about preparing for Confirmation and access resources here.
The first lay person to be Diocesan Secretary has been appointed by the diocese
As part of an ongoing re-organisation of diocesan resources to serve the needs of the local faith communities, the Diocese of Cork and Ross has for the first time appointed a lay woman to serve as Diocesan Secretary.
Sheila Lewis, who is from Kilworth, in north Cork, has a background in industry and the voluntary sector, and will commence her full-time role in the Diocesan Office on Feb 1st.
Fr Michael Keohane, Co-PP, who has served until now as Diocesan Secretary and as Diocesan Education Secretary will continue as Diocesan Education Secretary.
Mons. Gearóid Dullea, Co-PP, continues as Diocesan Chancellor, whose role includes matters relating to marriage documentation and the granting of faculties to priests including religious and visiting priests and other related matters.

The Congregation Leadership Team of the Presentation Brothers recently visited Bishop Fintan at the Cork and Ross Diocesan Offices
The Presentation Brothers have a long and historic connection with the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
Several schools in Cork City are in the Presentation Brothers tradition and now form part of the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust (PBST).
The Mardyke House Community is home to the L.E.A.F. PROJECT and is now a hub for adult youth ministry, faith leadership programmes and many diocesan meetings.
The international headquarters of the Presentation Brothers is located at Mount St. Joseph, Blarney Street.
The Congregation is very happy to be part of the renewal which is taking place in the Diocese of Cork and Ross at this time.
The Diocesan Office has annouinced that the death has occurred of Fr. John Galvin in Cork University Hospital this morning.
Bishop Fintan extends his prayerful support to Fr. John’s family and former parishioners at this time.
Fr. John a native of Uibh Laoire Parish was ordained to the priesthood on 9th June 1962 and began his ministry on temporary mission in the Archdiocese of Bermingham.
On returning to Cork and Ross, he ministered as Curate pro tem in Ahiohill and Cape Clear, as Chaplain in Schull and as Chaplain pro tem in Dunmanway.
He then ministered as Curate in the Parishes of Ovens and Farran, St. Joseph’s Mayfield and Curraheen Road, as Parish Priest in Frankfield and Passage West and then as Assistant Priest in the Harbour Parishes.
May he now rest in the peace of the Lord.

Bishop Fintan's Christmas Message for primary schools has been streamed to 175 Catholic Primary Schools in Cork and Ross.
Bishop Fintan was at a live crib at the O’Leary Family Farm close to Rocky Bay in the Parish of Tracton Abbey. There, he was joined by Second Class children from Scoil Naomh Fionnán in Rennies.
Children from the school are heard singing Christmas carols and asking the bishop questions about the crib and about Christmas.
It is 800 years since St Francis of Assisi first depicted the birth of Christ with a stable which included animals. St Francis is especially known for his teaching about all creation being capable of bringing us close to God its creator.
Carrigaline Community School Student Council and Meitheal Team with Bishop Fintan
Recently Bishop Fintan Gavin made a Pastoral Visit to Carrigaline Community School where he was warmly welcomed by School Principal Mr. Paul Burke
Members of the Senior Management Team, Board of Management and Student Representatives. Msgr. Aidan O’Driscoll Co-PP, Fr. James McSweeney Co-PP and Fr. Michael O’Connell MSC CC were also in attendance.
Bishop Fintan visited the Staffroom where he was warmly received, spoke briefly and circulated informally with staff members A short tour of school facilities followed including the Resource Centre where Bishop Fintan had an opportunity to meet with Student Council and Meitheal Team representatives as well as some Learning Support Students.
Latest News
March 2025
February 2025
January 2025
- Over 50 young adults partake in two faith formation programmes
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- Bicentenary celebrations of Bon Secours Sisters in Ireland close in Cork
- Bishop Fintan visits Coláiste Muire in Crosshaven for Catholic Schools Week
- Resource published for Catholic Schools Week 2025 in Cork and Ross
- Teachers and priests meet to plan Confirmation Masses
- Poor Clares Vocations Afternoon - Sat 22 Feb 2025
December 2024
- Death of Conor Gavin RIP
- Cork's two bishops issue joint Christmas message
- Bishop’s Message for Christmas seen in primary schools across the diocese
- Glanmire Community College was the location for a recent visit by Bishop Fintan Gavin.
- Bishopstown school celebrates installation of new Christmas crib
- Dunmanway post-primary school hosts visit by bishop
- Primary school teachers in the Diocese attend a Day of Reflection
- Death of Fr. Seamus Mac Ginneá