A series of eight meetings to support newly formed primary school Boards of Management are ongoing at different locations throughout the Diocese
There are 175 Catholic primary schools in Cork and Ross under the patronage of Bishop Fintan Gavin.
In the region of 120 participants have attended each of these meetings where BOM’s are supported in their wide range of governance responsibilities. Chairpersons and school principals have already participated in training for the new Boards of Management in late November and early December 2023 when new BOM’s took up their responsibilities on 1st December 2023.
Further diocesan training and support will be available to new BOM’s in relation to specific roles including treasurer, safeguarding and recruitment later this year.
All these training modules are co-ordinated by the Diocesan Education Secretariat in conjunction with CPSMA (Catholic Primary School Management Association)
In his message to the current training module Bishop Fintan acknowledges the generous volunteerism of BOM members and reiterates the importance of our Catholic ethos in all aspects of school life.
The Diocesan Education Secretariat can be contacted at