Primary school teachers in the Diocese attend a Day of Reflection
Recently Bishop Fintan invited primary school teachers throughout the Diocese to a Day of Reflection to support and nourish their own personal faith lives. In response, teachers gathered on Saturday 30th November in Mardyke House, Cork.
The day was led by Fr Chris O’Donnell, a priest of Limerick Diocese, who is a former primary school teacher. He worked for many years in youth ministry and participated in the final stages of the development of the Grow in Love Programme. The peaceful and prayerful surroundings of Mardyke House contributed to a wonderful day for all involved.
The day opened with a time to meet and greet. As it was the last day of November Fr Chris guided participants in a period of reflection and prayer with an invitation to remember those who had died. The day continued with a presentation from Fr Chris and a discussion on faith, the impact of culture on faith and the importance of nurturing the spirit and soul. Throughout the day there was time for group conversations, quiet time for reflection and the opportunity to pray.
It concluded with an invitation to participate in an Advent Prayer Service which was accompanied by music and prayer.