Finding Hope in a Hopeless World is a seven session resource which can be used by groups and individuals as we prepare for Easter
The Christian message is one of hope, yet living in a world that is often touched by war, violence, and brokenness can make hope seem more fragile.
Pope Francis said, “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.” He calls Christians to be ‘pilgrims of hope,’ who carry the light of Christ into every situation.
Each week, a new reflection will be added to the diocesan website found at:
There are two simple ways to access the reflection depending on your preferences:
Option 1: Watch the Video: Simply play and pause the video as required
Option 2: Listen to the Podcast: For groups or individuals. It is audio only.
Here is a direct link to the first session
If you plan to use any of these resources where there is no internet connection or it is not reliable you can prepare by saving the resources beforehand using the download buttons where indicated.
Option 3: Download the PowerPoint file: For use by a presenter that has the PowerPoint app - includes notes for the presenter with each slide.
Option 4: Download the Podcast: Downloads a zip file which you need to extract to listen
Option 5: Download the video: Downloads a zip file. You will need to extract the video file to view (this download may take a little while as it is a larger file)
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