As well as the ordinary collections for the parish funds taken up every Sunday, there are special diocese-wide collections taken up on some weekends and Good Friday to aid projects of the local and universal Church.They are listed here:
Lourdes Invalid Fund
This collection subsides the Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes for individuals whose health and/or means would otherwise prevent them from travelling to Lourdes. It also subsidises the travel of essential care personnel. It is administered by Canon Jim O’Donovan, The Presbytery, Ballinlough, Cork.
(Good Friday) Holy Places (in the Holy Land)
The collection taken up at the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday is sent to the custodians of the places in the Holy Land where Our Lord? Passion took place. These funds are used to maintain the Holy Places.
Irish Bishops’ Commissions
This collection helps fund the work of the Irish Bishops’ Conference and its agencies and commissions.
List of the agencies and commissions
Office for Mission and Ministry
The Office for Mission and Ministry was established to support the Families of Parishes in the Diocese by identifying and responding to the needs of parishes and faith communities as they develop new ways of ministry and new structures to serve the mission. The Parish Life Coordinator and the Faith Development Coordinator provide leadership and ministry training as well as delivering a wide range of programmes in parishes. The Office is located in the Cathedral Presbytery, across the street from the Cathedral in Cork.
More Information
Peter’s Pence
The Peter’s Pence collection is sent to Rome. It is used by the pope to support special charitable projects in developing countries as well as defraying expenses of the work of the Church.
Full Information
Education/Students of the Priesthood
The proceeds of the collection go to the Diocesan Education Fund which meets the cost of seminarians’ fees at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and also contributes to post-graduate studies of priests of the diocese.
Propagation of The Faith (Missions)
This Mission Sunday collection goes to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and is used to support the young churches throughout the world in the establishment of parishes, dioceses, training of catechists and building of seminaries, etc.
Diocesan Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry Coordinator of the diocese supports the outreach of families of parishes, colleges and schools and “wherever two or three” young people gather, to bring the message of Christ to them in new ways.
2025 | |
Diocesan Needs | 12 January |
Lourdes Pilgrimage | 9 February |
Irish Bishops Commissions | 9 March |
Diocesan Needs | 30 March |
Holy Places | 18 April |
Priests’ Collection (Easter) | 20 April |
Mission and Ministry | 11 May |
Peter’s Pence | 22 June |
Diocesan Needs | 20 July |
Priesthood Education | 21 September |
Diocesan Needs | 12 October |
Propagation of the Faith | 19 October |
Diocesan Youth Ministry | 9 November |
Priests’ Collection (Christmas) | 25 December |
1. There is no (Second) Special Collection on the first Sunday of each month to facilitate the monthly church door collection of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.