Pilgrimages to Lourdes
A diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes is held annually
Parish groups, individuals and anyone with a desire to be part of this faith journey is welcome to partake. An annual collection in the parishes of the diocese is used to assist needy people with travel expenses and subsidises the expenses of required medica, professional help as well as voluntary carers for the sick.
People who need assistance are accommodated in a special hospital on the grounds of the shrine and this is staffed during the pilgrimage by people from Cork & Ross who volunteer to assist the pilgrims. The helpers and the able-bodied pilgrims stay in the hotels in the town - which are also near the Grotto. People are encouraged to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage as helpers, nurses and doctors to assist pilgrims in Lourdes. Contact:
The Diocesan Coordinators of the Pilgrimage to Lourdes are Fr. Charlie Kiely, Fr Damian O'Mahony and Fr. Marius O’Reilly. They are appointed by the bishop and work alongside a dedicated team of volunteer lay people.
You can find out more information about Lourdes at
Any latest news and announcements will be published below
There is a special Information Meeting for those interested in coming to Lourdes (Sept 20th to 25th) with the Diocese of Cork and Ross, as Young Adult Helpers (18 to 25 years)
It will take place at
7:00pm Tuesday 12 March
Mardyke House (T12 W8RP)
For more information
call Sheila on (021) 490 2459
Lourdes volunteers and representatives from parishes gathered last Thursday night for the launch of the Cork and Ross Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024.
This year's pilgrimage will take place from Friday 20th to Wednesday 25th September.
Joseph Twomey was the MC for the night. Fr Marius O'Reilly opened the evening with an introduction to Lourdes, and Sheila Kelleher gave a recount of last's year's pilgrimage.
A panel discussion followed, with Angela Jaison (young adult helper), Caroline McSweeney (nurse) and Elizabeth Murphy (school helper), who each gave their testimonies on their experience in Lourdes.
Bishop Fintan thanked all those who volunteered last year and he encouraged everyone to spread the word and invite friends, family and fellow parishioners to this year's pilgrimage.
If you'd like to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage as a helper this year, please
or telephone 085 252 5040
The Sacrament of the Sick was celebrated during Mass with pilgrims at Lourdes on Tuesday.
The principal celebrant was Bishop Fintan and he was assisted by concelbrating priests, deacons and others ministering from among the helpers.
The central moment of the sacrament is when the bishop or a priest places the Oil of the Sick on the forehead and in the palms of the person receiving the sacrament while proclaiming the blessing prayer.
"Through this holy anointing, may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up. Amen".
Sunday's Mass for the pilgrims on the Cork and Ross group was the International Mass which is celebrated in the underground Basilica in the grounds of the demesne.
The vast basilica has rooom for throusands of pilgrims who come from all corners of the world. Mass is celebrated in many languages and concelebrating bishops and priests from across the globe lead the celebration.
After Mass the Cork and Ross pilgrims had time to visit the Grotto individually, visit the baths and take some time in the town to explore the many shops!
On Monday morning September 25th at 9am (our time) Bishop Fintan and the Cork and Ross pilgrims at Lourdes will celebrate Mass at the Grotto in Lourdes (where Our Lady appeared to St Bernadette).
It's also the Feast day of St Finbarr.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!
Day Two in Lourdes had the groups' first opportunity to celebrate Mass in one of the chapels across the river from the Grotto
Bishop Fintan Gavin was the principal celebrant.
Many of the pilgrims were involved in the various liturgical roles: singing, music, reading, leading prayer, processions, stewarding, assisting those who needed help.
This chapel is very near the special hospital; where the pilgrims who need assistance are accommodated.
After Mass, everyone headed for the front of the Basilica where the traditional group photos are professionally taken.
Many homes across the diocese have some of these photos which were taken during pilgrimages over the years. Collectively, they tell of the faithful response of the people of our diocese to Mary's invitation to "come here to bathe and to pray".
Two plane loads of pilgrims set out from Cork Airport today at the start of the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.
The pilgrimage, which takes months of planning, is being led by Bishop Fintan Gavin.
Among the pilgrims are people who need assistance to travel and while in Lourdes. These are accommodated in a special hospital near the shrine at Lourdes and they are supported by a dedicated team of professional medical and nursning staff as well as a team of volunteer assistants — which includes a group of young people.
Each day's timetable at Lourdes will include liturgies at the grotto, in chapels nearby and outdoors near the shrine.
Bishop Fintan said the group will be praying for everyone in the diocese at home during these sacred days.
"I'm also especially grateful to the huge number of people who give of their time and their expertise right through the year to make the pilgrimage possible," he said.
The Lourdes Young Adult Helpers gathered on Saturday 2nd September in the Carmelite Friary, Kinsale to prepare for their upcoming pilgrimage to Lourdes.
The Young Adult group will be led by Fr Marius O'Reilly and Sheila Kelleher this year.The gathering began with Fr Marius leading the group through the story of Lourdes and St Bernadette.
Sheila Kelleher then led a sharing session on hopes and expectations, which was followed by Bishop Fintan guiding the group in the Examen prayer. The day drew to a close with the celebration of Holy Mass in the Carmelite's Chapel.
The group are looking forward to travelling to Lourdes with the Cork and Ross Diocese from Friday 22nd to Wednesday 27th September.
The Cork and Ross Lourdes Pilgrimage to Lourdes is now only three weeks away. The pilgrimage takes place from 22nd – 27th September next.
The Pilgrimage Organising Group recently met with Bishop Fintan to continue preparations.
A number of places are still available on the pilgrimage with return flights from Cork Airport - full details and booking from Joe Walsh Tours 01-2410800
The Cork and Ross Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from Friday 22nd - Wednesday 27th September, 2023
A number of places are still to be filled.
Information is available from Joe Walsh Tours (01 2410800) or contact
Cost: €849 to €899 with a choice of hotels.
People, families and parishes throughout the Diocese are invited to travel to Lourdes with the Diocese in 2023.
Frs. Charlie Kiely, Damian O’Mahony and Marius O’Reilly will co-ordinate the pilgrimage in this year.