Pilgrimages to Lourdes
A diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes is held annually
Parish groups, individuals and anyone with a desire to be part of this faith journey is welcome to partake. An annual collection in the parishes of the diocese is used to assist needy people with travel expenses and subsidises the expenses of required medica, professional help as well as voluntary carers for the sick.
People who need assistance are accommodated in a special hospital on the grounds of the shrine and this is staffed during the pilgrimage by people from Cork & Ross who volunteer to assist the pilgrims. The helpers and the able-bodied pilgrims stay in the hotels in the town - which are also near the Grotto. People are encouraged to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage as helpers, nurses and doctors to assist pilgrims in Lourdes. Contact:
The Diocesan Coordinators of the Pilgrimage to Lourdes are Fr. Charlie Kiely, Fr Damian O'Mahony and Fr. Marius O’Reilly. They are appointed by the bishop and work alongside a dedicated team of volunteer lay people.
You can find out more information about Lourdes at
Any latest news and announcements will be published below
Cork and Ross Lourdes Pilgrimage 2023 Young Adult Invite
The annual collection for the Diocesan Sick/Assisted Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund will be taken up at all Masses on 11th/12th February next
The Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage will take place from Friday 22nd September to Wednesday 27th September this year.
People are encouraged to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage as helpers, nurses and doctors to assist pilgrims in Lourdes. Further details can be found here Pilgrimages to Lourdes or from
The proceeds of this collection cover the organisational costs of the pilgrimage and the travel costs for helpers and professional carers.
There has always been great support towards the Diocesan Pilgrimage Fund financially and your support on 11th/12th February is much appreciated.
The Cork and Ross Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Friday 22nd - Wednesday 27th September 2023.
Further details are available by e-mail from
Information will be available from Joe Walsh Tours (01 2410800).
Cost: €849 to €899 with a choice of hotels.
People, families and parishes throughout the Diocese are invited to travel to Lourdes with the Diocese in 2023. Those who may wish to travel as helpers, nurses or doctors to assist pilgrims in Lourdes should contact
Frs. Charlie Kiely, Damian O’Mahony and Marius O’Reilly will co-ordinate the pilgrimage in 2023. Bishop Fintan has expressed his gratitude to Canon Jim O’Donovan for his dedication and hard work as pilgrimage director over many years.