On the weekend of Pentecost this year, two gatherings of people and priests of the diocese met to explore new ways of being church
Julianne Stanz, a Carlow native now living and working in the US, spoke about transforming parishes into mission-centered faith communities.
Julianne’s presentations are available here to view and discuss. They are introduced by Eilís Casey, Parish Life Coordinator of the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
At the end of each video Julianne asks thought-provoking questions, which can serve as a valuable resource for parishes as they continue to explore and reflect upon the ideas presented and the way ahead for us as Families of Parishes.
Session 1
In the first video, Julianne offers encouragement and hope based on her own life story and inspires us to embrace a renewed sense of church and mission.
Session 1 Questions
Session 2
In the second session, Julianne provides insightful guidance for a potential path forward for parishes and Families of Parishes.
Session 2: Group Discussion