Fifty people from around our diocese gathered in the Visitors’ Centre of The Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne to celebrate Alpha as a way of nourishing our own faith and sharing our faith with others
It was a great opportunity to support each other, to pray in thanksgiving for the blessings of the last year, and to begin looking at the next steps for Alpha in Parishes and Families of Parishes.
Theresa Cronin spoke on the theme of 'Made for Mission.' The commission to go and make disciples doesn't just belong to priests and religious. We are all made for mission. Each of us has a particular role in God’s plan of bringing the Good News to everyone.
Bishop Fintan witnessed to his own experience of attending Alpha and spoke of the important role of Alpha Teams in the diocese now and into the future.

The Office for Mission and Ministry will be providing ongoing training and support for Parishes and Families of Parishes who wish to run Alpha from September.
Please contact us if you wish to join our Alpha mailing list.

Bishop Fintan encouraging the Alpha teams