There was an engaging Alpha Information afternoon last Saturday, November 25th, at Ovens Parish Centre. It was a great opportunity for over 40 people from all over the Diocese to gather, learn more about Alpha and share their experiences.
Theresa Cronin gave an engaging and informative presentation on Alpha, what it is, why run it, and how it can be run in a Parish. John McCarthy (Clonakilty) and Gearóid Wycherley (Kinsale) spoke about Alpha from their own personal perspectives of attending and running Alphas in their Parishes. Mary Harrington (Douglas & Rochestown) shared her experience of attending Alpha and how she has now become involved as a facilitator in her Parish.
Next Steps: Experience of Alpha
The Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne (North Cathedral) will host Alpha on Wednesday evenings from January 10th, 2024, to March 20th, 2024 (with a Holy Spirit Day on Saturday, February 24th, 2024).
Douglas & Rochestown will also be hosting Alpha in the spring. We will publish further details when the dates have been finalised.
There is also a possibility of Alpha being run in West Cork in the spring. Please contact the Office for Mission and Ministry to register your interest.
Training Days
We are very pleased to offer two training days. Training is the most effective way to guarantee the success of your Alpha. Even if you have experience leading, helping or hosting groups, it is still essential that you understand the idea and principles behind Alpha, especially hospitality and small group dynamics.
We will be offering training days in 2024 on:
• Saturday, January 27th, 2024 – Cork City
• Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 – West Cork
We will be taking registrations for these training days once we have the venues finalised.

Mary Harrington, Douglas and Rochestown