Two plane loads of pilgrims set out from Cork Airport today at the start of the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.
The pilgrimage, which takes months of planning, is being led by Bishop Fintan Gavin.
Among the pilgrims are people who need assistance to travel and while in Lourdes. These are accommodated in a special hospital near the shrine at Lourdes and they are supported by a dedicated team of professional medical and nursning staff as well as a team of volunteer assistants — which includes a group of young people.
Each day's timetable at Lourdes will include liturgies at the grotto, in chapels nearby and outdoors near the shrine.
Bishop Fintan said the group will be praying for everyone in the diocese at home during these sacred days.
"I'm also especially grateful to the huge number of people who give of their time and their expertise right through the year to make the pilgrimage possible," he said.
This is a live feed direct from Lourdes which is live 24hours - you may recogise some of the Cork and Ross clergy and faithful over the coming days!