We recognise and value the vital part that parishes have in safeguarding by creating and maintaining safe environments for all. The Diocese has created specific download resources for you to use in your Parish. The resources are personalised to suit the needs of the Diocese / Parishes.
The forms will be updated every two years, unless any new legislative changes require earlier updates.
The Diocese takes its guidance for children from the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) See safeguarding.ie
Form 2: Child and Guardian Joint Consent
Form 3: Code of Conduct for Children/Young People
Form 4: Altar Server Application
Form 5: Code of Behaviour for Adults
Form 6: Dealing with Accidents-Incidents
Form 10: Priests who have Ministry with Children in an External Organisation
Form 11(a): Under-18s-Permission Form live streaming webcams Feb 2023
Form 11(b): Altar servers Permission-Form re live streaming webcams Feb 2023
Form 12: Webcam/Media/Photography Permission Form for Adults
Form 13: Attendance Register for Large Groups
Form 14: Who needs to be Garda Vetted
Risk Assessments for Ministry
Altar Server Risk Assessment Download Microsoft Word Template
Children Ministry Risk Assessment Download Microsoft Word Template