“Let us rediscover with amazement the fact that God speaks to us, particularly through the Holy Scriptures.” (Pope Francis)

God speaks to His people through the Liturgy of the Word when we read the story of God’s relationship with us in Old Testament and New Testament readings during Mass. The scripture readings nourish us, and we are called to make God’s word our own.

Ministers of the Word are members of a ministry team which is exercised in the service of the gathered family of God at Mass, helping them to hear the living word of God, enabling them to begin pondering that word in their hearts and beginning to respond to it in prayer.

Scripture readings nourish usScripture readings nourish us

The Minister of the Word has responsibility for not simply reading the word, but assisting the family of God to hear the word. This will require the minister to be attentive, and careful to allow for times of pause and silence as we prepare to listen and, once the reading has been proclaimed, as we take the word of God to heart. It also requires that the diction of the reader is such that he or she can be readily understood by those to whom they minister.

Please contact your local Parish if you wish to volunteer as a Minister of the Word.

If a Parish or Family of Parishes wish to receive formation for new Ministers of the Word and/or a refresher for existing Ministers of the Word, please contact us through your Co-Parish Priest or Moderator.

Resource for Ministers of the Word