The Year of Prayer, Listening, and Discernment, which was launched by Bishop Fintan on Gougane Barra Sunday, enters a new phase this week
Three key information meetings are planned for Priests, Parish Leadership Teams and chaplaincies on Saturday 23 November, Sunday 24 November and Sunday 1 December.
These meetings will set the context for the Year ahead and outline the next steps for Parishes and Families of Parishes. The process for prayer, listening, and discernment has been piloted in one Family of Parishes and is being fine-tuned based on the feedback to be rolled out across the Diocese in the new year.
The Holy Spirit is guiding us to be faithful and courageous in new ways so that we can carry on the mission of the Church. In addition to reciting ‘Our Prayer from the Boat,’ you are invited to participate in special times of guided prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in the following Parish churches:
- Saturday 23 November - Our Lady Crowned, Mayfield (12:30pm to 2:00pm)
- Sunday 24 November - Church of the Immaculate Conception, Clonakilty (1:00pm to 2:00pm)
- Sunday 1 December - St. Columba’s Church, Douglas (12:30pm to 2:00pm)
As Bishop Fintan said in his invitational message: “Whether you are a parent preparing a child for baptism, a young person preparing for Holy Communion or Confirmation, a family dealing with loss or grief, a student navigating school or college, a couple setting up a new home, someone busy with work, a person struggling with life, or someone in the later years of life, you, along with our priests, deacons and religious, belong to this faith community. Your prayer and participation are essential as we listen together to where God is calling us to be His Church in Cork and Ross in our time.”