Representatives of over 28 parishes gather for final diocesan information meeting in Cork
Over 200 people, including priests, parish leadership teams and chaplaincies gathered for the third and final information meeting for the year of prayer, listening and discernment.
The three meetings have outlined the context for a time of prayer, listening and discerning in our Diocese as we discern where the Holy Spirit is calling us in each family of parishes to contribute to the future life of our faith communities.
The third meeting was held in Rochestown, Cork, and was addressed by Bishop Fintan Gavin and personnel from the Office for Mission and Ministry. A time of prayer was led by young adults.
An outline was given of the process for the year of prayer, listening, and discernment which will be rolled-out across the Diocese of Cork and Ross in the new year in each family of parishes.
Parishioners also attended a special time of guided prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in St. Columba’s Church, Douglas, before Sunday's meeting began.
Discussion at the diocesan meeting
Over 200 parish representatives attended the final diocesan information meeting
A time of guided prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in St. Columba’s Church before today's meeting
Time of discussion with priests, parish leadership teams and chaplaincies