Plans being made for vital meetings in early 2025 about parishes and faith
The early days of 2025 will see a lot of energy going into planned meetings about the future shape of the Catholic Church in the diocese.
Between February and May 2025, 15 Families of Parishes in the diocese will host three 1 hour 30 minute sessions centred on these key themes:
- Baptism – Gateway to the Faith Community
- Eucharist – Nourishment for Mission
- Review of the Families of Parishes
The meetings in each family of parishes will include the priests and deacons, the members of the parish leadership group (either a parish pastoral council or a parish assembly) and the members of the parish finance committee from each parish in the family of parishes.
The sessions will utilise the ‘Conversations in the Spirit‘ methodology which is designed to encourage deep listening, mutual understanding and prayerful discernment.
Participants will be encouraged to listen to the Holy Spirit, to each other, and to themselves, fostering a spirit of collaboration and hope. Facilitators who will be provided by the diocese and prepared for these meetings will accompany each Family of Parishes to provide support and guide the process.
Practical Arrangements and Preparations
Families of Parishes are invited to prepare for these sessions by identifying a central and suitable venue and collaborating to propose possible dates for their gatherings. These details should be submitted to the Office of Mission and Ministry no later than Friday, December 20th, 2024.

In November and December 2024, a series of successful information sessions brought together priests and parish leadership teams from the Diocese of Cork and Ross to prepare for the next phase of the Year of Prayer, Listening, and Discernment.
Reflecting on the significance of the initiative Bishop Fintan emphasised its purpose: “We listen together to where God is calling us to be His Church in Cork and Ross in our time.”
At the meetings, Bishop Fintan provided context for the year, highlighting the importance of coming together to reflect on both the hopes and concerns for the Church’s future. Acknowledging the pastoral challenges facing Parishes and Families of Parishes, he expressed his gratitude to the priests, “who have never worked so hard as they do now.” He also extended this thanks to the many individuals in various roles and ministries across the Diocese who generously share their time, talents and gifts. Bishop Fintan posed the question: How can we grow and enhance this, so we have leaders into the future?
Eilís Casey, Parish Life Coordinator, introduced the next phase of the year, which will focus on engaging Families of Parishes in meaningful dialogue inspired by the questions posed by Bishop Fintan’s Invitational Message.
She acknowledged the invaluable contribution of the Priests and Parish Leadership Teams from the Family of Parishes of Carraig na bhFear, Glanmire, Glounthaune, and Watergrasshill and Glenville, where a pilot process was carried out. Feedback from this pilot has been instrumental in refining and streamlining the approach for the wider Diocese.