At CONNECT2, a gathering of young adult Catholics organised by the Diocese of Cork and Ross at UCC.At CONNECT2 young adult Catholics with Bishop Fintan

It was pouring rain outside around the UCC campus on Sunday but over one hundred young people took their coats off and got stuck into discussions and debates about their faith.

The Diocese of Cork and Ross hosted CONNECT 2 at UCC's Devere Hall and Honan Chapel as part of a planned engagement with young adults about their faith.  

This was a follow up to the CONNECT event held in the same venue in May.  

Young adults from around the Diocese gathered for a day which included a talk, workshops, testimonies, lunch and finished with Mass celebrated by Bishop Fintan Gavin.

It is hoped that many of the attendees will join the Diocese in August for its first journey to World Youth Day in Lisbon with Pope Francis.  

Bishop Fintan said he was delighted to see so many young people at CONNECT 2. 

“It was a day of great joy and sharing, and we look forward to future events, and for many of our young adults to join us in Lisbon and Lourdes next year."

Addressing the young people during the Mass at the Honan Chapel, Bishop Fintan said that we do not need to go overseas to be missionaries.

“It is you that will enable your friends and your contemporaries to know Christ in the first instance. This is why we need you to be young missionary disciples – to be on fire, filled with joy, hope and purpose and to share that with others.” 

“Your Church in Cork needs you and I want to support you so that we can be a missionary Church that reaches out to all especially the young.”

[Images by Vitaliy Makhnanov]