People across the Diocese of Cork and Ross invited to form and lead Parish Prayer Circles for Vocations
The Parish Prayer Circles for Vocations is an initiative of the Cork and Ross Vocations Team to encourage, promote and pray for vocations to the diocesan priesthood. Prayer Circles for Vocations have been piloted in four Parishes over the last number of months and it is hoped that these Prayer Circles will be rolled out in all our Parishes in the Diocese during the Jubilee of Hope.
What is a Prayer Circle for Vocations?
A prayer circle is a group of parishioners who come together once a month to pray for vocations to the diocesan priesthood. They meet in the parish Church or another parish venue at a set time and date (e.g. the First Friday or another date that is easy to remember). Some consideration should be given to the time and date. What is the best time and date to encourage the most people to participate. This will depend on your own particular parish (and perhaps the time of the year etc.) Members of the Prayer Circle advertise the meeting and invite people they know to attend. They follow the structure provided and enjoy hospitality together afterwards.
What is the format?
The prayer part of the gathering follows a simple, but reflective format. We begin with the sign of the cross and calling on the Holy Spirit to be with us. A Scripture reading is read and reflected upon in silence. Then someone leads the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. (These were chosen as they invite us to reflect on the priesthood with Mary through the ministry of Jesus.) This is followed by a Litany for Vocations where we call on the angels and saints to intercede for us with God to send workers into the harvest. Finally, we pray together our prayer for vocations to the priesthood.
The format is available as a downloadable pdf here.
This time of prayer can be incorporated into a Eucharistic Holy Hour or prayed on its own. It is followed by some simple shared hospitality (tea/coffee and biscuits).
If you wish to find out more about the Prayer Circles for Vocations, please contact Fr. Cian O'Sullivan.