A group for those interested in discerning a vocation to the priesthood will resume on:
Saturday 8 February 2025
The Cork and Ross Discerners Group is for Catholic men (aged 18 to 40) interested in discerning diocesan priesthood. Discernment is the effort we make to discover God’s particular will for us with the help of the Holy Spirit and the support of others.
When trying to listen to God speaking to us in prayer, it can often be difficult to work out what God is saying to us, so we need someone experienced in the spiritual life to help us discern God's voice and move in the direction He is calling us.
The Discerners Group will help you to explore the diocesan priesthood in a small group where you will find support and fraternity. Together, you will be given the opportunity to pray, discuss the priesthood, listen for God’s voice, and learn how to answer His call.
The discerners are accompanied by priests of the Diocese who will help you to find clarity in answering the question, “What is the best next step I can take right now to draw closer to the vocation God has for me?”
For more information: