The Cathedral Family of Parishes marked a significant moment in the faith journey of four RCIA candidates during the 11:30am Mass on Sunday, January 26 in the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne
During the Rite of Welcome, Eric Moura Falcao, Seán Hayes, Rebekah Johnson and Kate Walsh were called by name and warmly welcomed by Bishop Fintan. Each candidate received the Sign of the Cross, a gesture symbolising their continued path toward full initiation into the Catholic Church. In a show of solidarity and support, the congregation, along with the Cathedral Family of Parishes RCIA team and the candidates’ sponsors, pledged to pray for them and support them as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil later this year.
Please let us know in the Office for Mission and Ministry if your Parish or Family of Parishes have candidates for RCIA this year.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) offers a welcoming and supportive environment for adults who wish to become Catholic.
Bishop Fintan welcoming the candidates
Receiving the Sign of the Cross
Back row - Eric, Archie, Joe, Seán and Denis. Front row - Culm, Barbara, Rebekah and Kate
Brazilian Community RCIA group and Cathedral Family of Parishes RCIA group with Bishop Fintan