Night Prayer

May I lie down with God,
and may God lie down with me.
May I not lie with evil, nor evil lie with me.
Brigid’s girdle round me,
Mary’s mantle beneath me,
Blessed Michael, hold my hand,
and make my peace with the Son of Grace.
If any evil thing pursue me,
may the Son of God protect me for a year from this night,
and this night itself, and ever and always.


Thanksgiving At The End Of The Day

Thank you, O God
for everything that has happened today:
for the good things which have made me happy;
for the not so good things which have taught me
that I can’t always be getting my own way;
for successes, to give me happy times to remember;
for failures, to keep me humble;
for time at school, at games, with my friends
and in my own home.
And thank you for this minute with you.


For Others

Before I sleep tonight,
I want to say a prayer for all the people –
known to me and unknown to me –
for whom this has been a special day of gladness or of grief,
of trouble or of joy.
Bless all the homes in which today
life has ended or life has begun.
