Young people from across the Diocese gather for CONNECT 3

Over 100 young people from across the Cork and Ross Diocese gathered on Sunday 15th October in UCC for CONNECT 3, a youth faith gathering which included a talk, Mass, lunch, testimonies, Adoration and Confession.

CONNECT was an initiative started by Bishop Fintan Gavin, along with representatives from various youth groups within the Diocese, to bring young adults together to talk about their Catholic faith and develop connections with other young adults in Cork and Ross. 

The keynote speaker for the event was Fr. John Harris O.P., the Prior Provincial of the Irish Provence of the Dominicans, who spoke about Encountering Christ, which was followed by a Question and Answers Session.

Mass was celebrated by Bishop Fintan in the Honan Chapel. During his homily, Bishop Fintan spoke about the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis, the first millennial to be beatified, as an example of someone who lived according to the Gospel and had a great love of the Eucharist. 

After lunch, Eva Conroy, Michael Tierney and Fr. Ronan Sheehan gave testimonies and focused on their personal encounters with Christ. The day ended with Adoration in the Honan Chapel.

Bishop Fintan wishes to invite young people to CONNECT 4, which will be held in UCC on Sunday 18thFebruary 2024. The keynote speaker will be Monsignor James Shea, the President of the University of Mary. He was elected as President in 2009 and is currently the youngest elected US College President.

CONNECT 4 will take place on Sunday, February 18th next, and Msgr James Shea, a well-renowed speaker from the USA, will speak to young adults.

 Participants at CONNECT 3 with Bishop Fintan Gavin in Cork