Recently, Bishop Fintan was warmly welcomed on his pastoral visit to Scoil Náisiúnta an Chroí Naofa in Glounthaune Parish by Principal Mr Damien Irwin, school staff, pupils, representatives of the Board of Management and Parent Association members.
Mr Irwin spoke with pupils about the Catholic ethos of the school and how it is tangible in every aspect of daily school life. He acknowledged and thanked Fr Damian O’Mahony Co-PP for his support and warm relationship that he has cultivated with the school.
Bishop Fintan was invited to join in a junior assembly where he taught pupils to pray in and active manner. Junior pupils then had an opportunity to ask him about his life as a priest and Bishop.
This was followed by a prayer liturgy with senior pupils and Fr. Damian O’Mahony Co-PP.
The visit concluded with a lovely reception in the school staffroom where Bishop Fintan met school staff and Board of Management members.

Bishop Fintan is welcomed at Scoil an Chroí Naofa