Cork's two bishops issue joint Christmas message. Bishop Paul Colton and Bishop Fintan Gavin remind us to focus on the Light of Christ at Christmas time
Once again, as Christmas approaches, it gives us joy as bishops of Cork to send you our greetings and to wish you and your loved ones a blessed, peaceful and happy Christmas.
We live in times when so much around us and in the world at large is overwhelming, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As well as the enduring challenges that face us in our own society and communities, there are wars in many parts of the world, especially on our own continent and in the Middle East, but also conflicts in many places that seem to have been forgotten by most, with the humanitarian catastrophe that strife invariably causes. What can we do? Often we feel helpless and powerless to make a difference.
In this part of the world, Christmas comes at the darkest time of the year. Each flickering candle and each Christmas light, speaks powerfully, therefore, to us of the message in the Christmas Gospel written by Saint John about Jesus Christ the light of the world: ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’
Christmas invites us every year to be attracted again and again to that light; in the same way that the shepherds in the fields that first Christmas were drawn to the light and song of the angels; as the wise ones were drawn to follow the light of the star until they came to Jesus, the newborn baby in Bethlehem. Like those shepherds and those wise leaders we too are invited to bring ourselves as gifts and to offer what we can in prayer and in service, to God, to each other and to those most in need around us and further afield.
So, what can we do in the face of so many challenges? Most of us are not in a position to make decisions that change things on a national or international stage. However, in small ways, where we each are, we can all do something to make life better for others around us. As small gestures or practical acts by many individuals mount up and gather momentum, they can make a real difference to others. As Christians too we believe in the power of prayer, and so we can pray for those who do have authority and roles of decision-making on a scale greater than most of us do.
Our prayer for you is that this Christmas you will once more draw strength from the birth of Jesus who is Emmanuel; God with us.
+Fintan Gavin
Bishop of Cork and Ross
+Paul Colton
Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross