Catholic Schools Week - Bishop Fintan Visits Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh
On Tuesday 24 January, Bishop Fintan made a pastoral visit to Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh in Bishopstown to celebrate Catholic Schools Week with students and staff.
The visit began with a First Year Class in the School Prayer Room. Following this, in the library a range of students from different year groups shared something of their faith stories with Bishop Fintan.
The students reflected on how they are living out the theme of Catholic Schools Week -‘Walking Together in Faith and Love’. Students spoke of their positive experience of Religious Education in the school and the many creative ways the faith dimension of school is helping them in their lives. A past pupil shared on the life changing experience he had in fifth year, when he was part of the Cork & Ross Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Bishop Fintan encouraged the students to be themselves, and not to be afraid to sometimes go against the crowd. Quoting St. Catherine of Siena, he said – “Be who God intended you to be and you will set the world on fire”. Bishop Fintan also encouraged the boys to avail of all the amazing opportunities both curricular and extra-curricular which they have in such a great school. Finally, he encouraged the students in believe in God’s love for each individual and to come to know Christ in a personal way.

Principal, Brenda Moriarty thanked Bishop Fintan for his visit. She assured the Bishop of the commitment of the school community, as part of the PBST Trust, to the Catholic ethos of the school and to the dynamic tradition of the Presentation Brothers, inspired by the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice.
Finally, in thanking the school community for a wonderful welcome, Bishop Fintan wished Spioraid Naoimh continued success in the Corn Uí Mhuirí, a message which was received very positively by all!