The Family of Parishes of:

Blackpool & The Glen & Ballyvolane | South Parish | Ss Peter and Paul’s | St. Patrick’s | Sundays Well | The Cathedral

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Family of Parishes

Priests and where they are normally resident

Fr Seán Crowley CC

The Cathedral

Fr Jilson Kokkandathail CCFr Jilson Kokkandathail CC

St Finbarr's South

Canon John O’Donovan Co-PPCanon John O’Donovan Co-PP

The Cathedral

Fr Kieron O'Driscoll Co-PPFr Kieron O'Driscoll Co-PP

St Finbarr's South

Fr Marius O’Reilly CCFr Marius O’Reilly CC

Ss. Peter & Paul's

Fr Shinu Varghese CCFr Shinu Varghese CC

The Cathedral

Canon John O'Donovan