Bishop Fintan with Patricia Kelleher and her husband Pat and family members in St. Columba’s ChurchBishop Fintan with Patricia Kelleher and her husband Pat and family members in St. Columba’s Church

On Sunday 8th October, Bishop Fintan celebrated 11am Mass in St. Columba’s Church in Douglas and also presented the Benemerenti Papal Honour to Patricia Kelleher.

Patricia has been Choir director in St. Columba’s for 34 years. Over those years she has faithfully directed the choir welcoming new members and always ensuring prayerful and joyous celebrations throughout.

Patricia was joined by her husband Pat and family members for the presentation.

Canon Teddy O’Sullivan Co-PP and Fr. Pat O’Mahony SMA CC concelebrated Mass with Bishop Fintan.

A lovely celebration for family members, choir members and parishioners took place in the Parish Hall after Mass.

(Photographs by Pat Peate)