Please use this form to send any corrections or information about a Parish

This will be used to edit the details of a Parish on this Diocesan Website

To send information for Priests follow this link Update Priest Information

Please type the name of the Parish
Please tell us the main telephone number of the Parish
Please complete the postal address of the Parish
Please type the Eircode of the Parish Address
Please check the email address
Please check the website address
Please check the live stream address
Please check the Facebook address it should be

Churches in the Parish

Provide information for up to three churches in the Parish

Please provide the name of the church
Please tell us the town or area of the church

Please provide the usual times of Mass

You can type more than one time per day

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Please provide further details about this church (you can leave things blank)

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Second Church in the Parish

If the Parish does not have a second church you can scroll to the bottom and skip to the next page

Please provide the name of the church
Please tell us the town or area of the church

Please provide the usual times of Mass

You can type more than one time per day

On days there is no Mass type a - (dash)

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Please provide further details about this church (you can leave things blank)

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Third Church in this Parish

If this Parish doesn't have a third church you can scroll to the bottom and skip to the next page

Please provide the name of the church
Please tell us the town or area of the church

Please provide the usual times of Mass

You can type more than one time per day

On days there is no Mass type a - (dash)

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Please provide further details about this church (you can leave things blank)

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Person completing this form

Please type your first name
Please type your Last Name
Please type your email address
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